Sexual Abuse

Not only we do not know about the issue of sexual abuse, we have no idea that boys could also be sexually abused.
Since 2004, I’ve worked for the BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse. This is a non-profit organization that provides victim-services and counseling programs for males who have been sexually abused.

Prior to this position, I had no real idea about male victimization. I always believed sexual abuse was a women’s issue only.

I have learned in the past three years of working with men who are survivors of sexual abuse that men suffer as much as women do. They show their emotions differently.

I have learned that sexual abuse occurs in all races and ethnical groups, all nations, all religions, and that it is a pervasive problem in every society.

As a victim-services worker and a counselor, I have come to the conclusion that sexual abuse can be prevented if human agencies raise the awareness, if we educate our children and teach them how to NOT BECOME VICTIMS!

How do we educate our children about this difficult topic?

· From an early age, we teach them that there is a difference between a good touch and a bad touch.

· We NEVER assume boys are not being victimized; THEY ARE.

· We teach them their private parts are THEIR private parts.

· We teach them that NO ONE ELSE can touch, look at, or play with THEIR private parts.

· We teach them that as their parents we are able to protect them.

It is our role to know who is caring for our children and what our children are exposed to in terms of magazines, movies, and so on, and that we have the ability to speak to an expert if we feel something is wrong.

Being open minded and thinking preventative is better than being sorry and hurt!

May 2, 2007

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