Making Jokes or Bullying

There are various search leading to middlepeace website. One of them is the concept of  “Jokes.”
I am glad that middlepeace website has send this message out there that we can not just create jokes to the cost of people’s race, color, ethnicity, gender, accent, physical shape, nationality, or any other characteristics that differ people from one another.
I can realize that people try to learn about the real meaning of jokes in our culture.  Someone searched for “jokes on making fun of an individual.” This concept of making fun of an individual even in the format of a joke is called: Bullying.   What is unfortunate is that in our Persian language, the word “bullying” does not really show the depth of this act.

We tend to call everything as a “joke”, even when we are really bullying someone.  Regrettably in our Iranian culture, bullying is a top to down act and no one escapes this horrible behavior by those who believe they are “joking” and those who do this act on purpose.  The sad story is that the act of bullying is part of our everyday life (back home and everywhere) passed down from those in power who intend to hurt people based on their “different”characteristics: Religion, race, wealth, status, and a vast variety of other reasons.  In all those  bullying type actions that are simply called “Jokes”, people are hurt in all levels: physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.  We have to discuss this topic as it has never been done before.

Bullying with excuse of “making jokes” happens everyday in all kind of relationships. We have to stop it by discussing  why it is not acceptable.  We can not hide behind the facade of “jokes” anymore. Bullying someone or making joke of an individual is not funny.
Poran Poregbal

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